10 Mischievous Dogs That See Your Christmas Dinner as Their Playdate

Christmas dinner is meant to be a time of joy, but add a few mischievous dogs into the mix, and it becomes a whole new kind of chaos. Some breeds are expert food thieves, sneaking, leaping, and using their wits to claim a holiday feast. Here are the top troublemakers you should be on the lookout for.
Labrador Retrievers Master the Art of Stealthy Snacks

When it comes to food, few can rival the stealth of a Labrador. These dogs have a unique ability to blend into the holiday bustle and make their move when you’re not paying attention. Their powerful noses make it nearly impossible to hide any tempting morsels from them during dinner.
Boxers Bring Energy and Chaos to the Dinner Table

At Christmas dinner, Boxers are bound to create some excitement. Playful by nature, they don’t let food on the table slow them down. Quick reflexes and infectious energy propel them into action, nudging and pawing at the feast until they manage to grab a bite. Soon enough, the holiday chaos will turn into a full-on food chase!
Cocker Spaniels Sneak Snacks with Quiet Curiosity

Quietly, they’ll creep up to the table and enjoy a few bites of your holiday dinner, all while you remain unaware. Cocker Spaniels, with a curious nature, will investigate every corner of the house—especially where food is concerned. And when no one’s looking, they’re on the move, plotting their next snack.
Golden Retrievers Perfect the Silent Art of Begging

At dinner time, silent begging becomes an art form for this breed. Soft, soulful eyes and a gentle demeanor make it nearly impossible to resist sharing a bite. Slowly inching closer, this clever dog will have you slipping a piece of your meal to your Golden Retriever before you even realize it.
Poodles Perform Aerial Stunts for a Tasty Bite

They may appear dignified, but these dogs are always ready to take a graceful leap onto the table for a tasty treat. Famous for their agility, Poodles can outmaneuver even the best food defenses. Before you know it, your pup will have snatched a holiday delight right off your plate.
Beagles Track Down Your Feast with Precision

Persistence drives them to find their way to your plate if you’re not careful. Thanks to incredibly sensitive noses, these dogs can detect a holiday meal from miles away. No need to wait for food to come to them—they actively hunt it down and follow delicious scents wherever they lead.
Border Collies Use Smarts to Claim the Spotlight

When you’re distracted, they’ll stealthily grab a bite, effortlessly claiming the spotlight. Brilliant and observant, dogs like Border Collies can quickly figure out where your food is and how to reach it. Using their quick learning skills, they patiently wait for the right moment to snatch some away.
French Bulldogs Wait for the Perfect Moment to Grab a Bite

A Frenchie waits for the perfect moment to eat, unlike other dogs who rush for food. Their quiet, patient nature means they won’t rush in—they’ll slowly inch their way closer until they’re sitting at your feet, waiting for you to slip them a piece of your Christmas meal.
Dachshunds Use Their Small Size for Sneaky Snacking

While you’re busy with family, they will be helping themselves to the feast beneath the table. Dachshunds are experts at using their small size to get under the table stealthy and snatch food that’s just out of sight. The determination and low frame make them virtually invisible in a crowd.
Shih Tzus Pop In for a Quick Bite

Despite their small stature, Shih Tzus has an uncanny ability to sneak bites of food without being caught. They’ll quietly inch up to the table, their eyes locked on any unguarded food. Once they’ve gotten close enough, they’ll swipe a quick bite before disappearing, leaving you wondering where it went.