Cane Corso

The Cane Corso, a canine that is impressive in stature, and the epitome of what a rugged dog should and does look like. Unfortunately, some towns and cities across the U.S.—as well as homeowner insurance groups have allowed the rough exterior of this breed to shape its overall opinion and has increased their effort in banning the dog from apartment complexes and communities.
The Cane Corso may look mean but that’s not always the case, when this breed has the right kind of love on its side. Often referred as a gentle beast, the Cane Corso fosters plenty of loyal love and affection for their master and with proper supervision is a great companion to children as well.
This is what makes this majestic looking dog so unique and popular with many dog enthusiasts across the U.S., as the Cane Corso continues to grow in popularity. What is it about this breed that makes them unique and great to own? Here is everything that you need to know about the Cane Corso.
Cane Corso History
While this dog isn’t as common in the U.S. as other breeds, they are in Italy, where they are originally from. This large, alert, and intimidating breed with large brown eyes can stare down the best of them.
The Cane Corso was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2010. The breed is finding itself slowly and surely into the United States as a multi-purpose dog for companionship and work.
This breed is fast and dangerous when it comes to wild boar. The Cane Corso has a history rich with hunting down animals much bigger than its own size. The Italian heritage even used the breed against fighting bears.
But what it thrived in the past was securing and protecting people’s property. Many master’s back then would use the Cane Corso to prevent invaders from intruding on their personal goods and property. The Corso proved to be an effective deterrent against human invasions as well as wild animals such a bear and boar.
Cane Corso’s are also referred to as Cane Corso Italiano, Cane Corso Mastiff, Large Italian Mastiff, and Italian Molosso Italian Mastiff. As you guessed it, they are related to the Neapolitan Mastiff and are part of the Molosser family.
They live a life span of 10-12 years, when well taken care of, and were ranked as high as 40th most popular dog breed in 2016 by the American Kennel Club.
Cane Corso Size
These are a larger dog, in which most will hover above the century mark in weight. The expected weight, however, for the appropriate breed registry, is 99-110 pounds for a male, and 88-99 pounds on a female. For a male, you can find them as tall as 25-27.5 inches and females ranging from 23.5-26 inches.
Cane Corso Personality & Temperament
Although the door was an insurance policy for many Italians in the 1800’s, today this breed is used for companionship too.
Cane Corso is confident and protective, as this breed will never shy away from a challenge. It doesn’t matter what the challenge or the size of the battle. With that said, that’s because the Cane Corso has a huge amount of integrity and loyalty to whoever it is protecting.
The Cane Corso and its impressive physical makeup has helped it for many years excel in keeping unwanted animals and people out of its property.
This dog may not be suitable for a first timer, but for the right dog enthusiast, the Cane Corso will be the right companion you look for in a medium to large sized dog. That’s because you should start out training this breed at an early age when it’s a pup.
Cane Corso does like to test its boundaries and structure, but as long as its master is authoritative, the Cane Corso will fall in line and be a loving and nurturing pet.
Where this dog really excels is in the workforce. You’ll definitely want to put the Cane Corso to work so you can burn it’s immaturity up as a pup, and have it expend sufficient amount of energy during the day so that it doesn’t become bored and destructive from loneliness.
When the Cane Corso is a pup, you’ll want to surround him or her around others such as smaller children and other pets. The more interaction and integration, the more tame and calm the dog will be as it matures in time.
They can be gentle, affectionate and they like to pace around the home. Don’t be surprised to see the Cane Corso wag the tail by the window as you pull up the driveway.
And while you are at home, you’ll notice the Cane Corso pacing halls. One of its known traits is surveying and protection. This is the breed’s way of showing you that it takes the job protecting the domain quite seriously.
Cane Corso Health
Like most breeds, the Cane Corso can be afflicted with some health issues and complications. Cane Corso’s are prone to be hit by hip dysplasia. Moreover, 39-58% are infected with this brutal illness, which brings this breed up to the 13th worst out of all ranked.
Elbow dysplasia is another nagging issue for the Cane Corso. Around 16-22% of the breed will impacted by the disease. 1 out of 5 will suffer from some form of heart disease, while 1 in 7 are suffering a form of epilepsy.
What may hurt Cane Corso the most is their eyes. Common issues found in this type (Molosser) are cherry eye, entropion and ectropion.
Entropion is when the eyeball is too small for the socket, in which it causes the eyelid to roll inward. This can cause scarring and ulceration. Ectropion is the opposite, in which the lower eyelid rolls out causing the tissue to be sensitive to exposure. These two forms are most common for a Cane Corso at the age of two years old, but can be seen as late as 5 years of age and as early as 9 months.
Other reported incidents in Cane Corso’s include: clots, pyoderma, demodex mites, colitis, and gastric dilatation volvulus(bloating). Bloating is by far one of the more significant surgery costs, while the surgery isn’t hard to perform it can generate quite the amount of money ranging from $1500-$7500.
Cane Corso Care
While some of the above sounds scary, a regular trip to the veterinarian will discourage most of the illnesses and health risks away. Some diseases can be easily treated, so it’s best to pay a regular visit with the vet to prevent anything serious from happening.
It’s also advised to get this breed its vaccinations when it’s expected schedule calls for it.
The Cane Corso loves to be active and is definitely protective. That said, you should certainly keep a fenced in area for your dog, and always keep your Cane Corso leashed to prevent aggression against straggling animals.
Running with your Cane Corso to keep it active and busy in the mind is always recommended. 20 minutes a day for a walk or a jog will do the job, so your dog isn’t getting restless later on. A healthy dog is a happy dog.
You can take your Cane Corso with you for rides and adventures, as this breed loves trails and park areas.
Training your Cane Corso at a younger age to be more integrated with other dogs or socialization will help familiarize the dog and build up a level of trust with others.
This dog is happiest on a farm or with herding. So when you keep it busy with tasks or sport, you are essentially getting the trademark personality of a Cane Corso. Throw the ball, teach him tricks, allow him to hone in on his physical skills. Without exercise, the dog will become bored.
You’ll find him more miserable and sobbing more often. Separation anxiety can result in aggression as well as destruction in property.This behavior can definitely be corrected by an experienced dog trainer or owner if you teach obedience early on.
The Cane Corso isn’t suited for apartment spaces, as it doesn’t do well with strangers nearby its property. This breed needs more open space, with a preferred bigger lot for a backyard.
Cane Corso Feeding
The standard for a Cane Corso weight is 88 pounds for a female, and 110 pounds for a male. Most dogs that weight 90 pounds require a daily intake of about 2100 calories. Depending on your Cane Corso’s activity levels, you’ll want to regulate how much food you’re giving him or her on a daily basis.
Traditionally, puppies will eat more than a dog that is an adult. For instance, spayed and neutered dogs tend to eat less, with fewer calorie intake. Puppies can start with about 22% protein and as adults go down to 18%. Puppies should consume about 8 grams of fat, and five percent of fat as an adult.
Most Cane Corso experts agree to steer clear of products that have corn in it.
One last feeding tip for your Cane Corso, after the dog eats, keep them as inactive as possible soon afterward. That’s because Cane Corso are known to be predisposed to bloating, This can be a serious health concern if it progresses in time.
Always keep your dog’s water bowl fresh with clean water and with a Cane Corso, you’ll want to give them their own bowl.
Cane Corso Coat
The Cane Corso has a short coat that is very easy to groom. They come in a few variations of color. Black, fawn, red, gray. Most Cane Corso’s have a gray mask or face, but some may have black facial fur.
The grooming process is rather simple, as you should give the Cane Corso a weekly comb through. They do have dense double coat, that will thicken in the colder climate. The outside coat is shiny with a short and rough texture.
Some breeders dock the Cane Corso tail or shorten it, but for most countries, this practice has been banned. The Cane Corso has a wide head, mass bone density, and a strong cheek structure. Most Cane Corso masters will advise that you should bathe this dog on occasion as it can omit an unpleasant smell every so often. That said, one of the major benefits of owning a dog of this breed is the low maintenance required to keeping the dog healthy and vibrant.
Cane Corso Fun Facts
- The Cane Corso was almost extinct at one point until a group of Cane Corso enthusiasts save them from extinction by rescuing them in the 1970’s.
- They were first brought to the U.S. in 1984 and since that time have been dog lover favorites.
- The Cane Corso comes from a Roman breed of dog that was used in wars.
- They were used to keep ancient Roman monasteries safe thousands of years ago.
- Despite its massive jaw line, the Cane Corso actually doesn’t drool all that much.
- The breed omits a pungent odor from its coat that is unpleasant to be around. This is why most Cane Corso owners bathe the dog more frequently than other breeds.
More About The Cane Corso
The Cane Corso may be perceived as a dangerous dog, but with the right people surrounding them, they are actually a completely compassionate breed worthy of keeping your home and children safe and secure.
Calm, intelligent, and energetic, this breed can really thrive as a dog out in the country, or running through the fields involved in high level physical activity.. Perfect for families, who own a farm and great at keeping wild pests away from your livestock.
As more word gets out about how versatile this breed is, the more American dog lovers will invest their time and money adopting the Cane Corso, which will continue to add to this breed’s surging popularity. Don’t let the intimidating exterior fool you, this breed is a gentle giant that is great at providing what you want most in a dog—security and compassion.