15 Dog Breeds That Love Felines

Nadia Vasil’eva/Pexels

Contrary to the common belief that cats and dogs are natural enemies, many breeds can coexist peacefully and even form strong bonds. About 24% of households have both kinds of pets who play together, share sunny spots, and become the best roommates. Swipe through to discover 15 of these dog breeds.

Labrador Retriever


Labs are highly social dogs that enjoy the company of other animals. Their desire to be part of a “pack” often extends to cats, making them more likely to accept and bond with housemates. They tend to be tolerant and non-aggressive, which helps them interact calmly with cats.

Golden Retriever

Marlies Kloet/Wikipedia

These dogs are playful yet patient. They love to play fetch and engage in fun activities but also know when to dial it down. This balanced behavior means they can adapt their energy levels to match those of a more laid-back cat friend.



One key aspect of Beagle behavior that makes them compatible with cats is their playfulness. They love to romp and often engage in silly antics that can entertain and even amuse your cat. Beagles, with their amiable demeanor, approach cats with curiosity rather than aggression.


Miss A. J. Mitchell/Wikipedia

Pugs are small—to medium-sized dogs, which makes them less intimidating to cats than larger breeds. Their compact size also means they are less likely to pose a physical threat to cats, which can help reduce any potential fear or tension between the two animals.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Przemysław Jahr/Wikipedia

These delightful dogs, often described as having a heart as big as their soulful eyes, are known for their friendly disposition. Cavaliers are the epitome of a lap dog, always ready to snuggle and offer a comforting presence. Their calm temperament extends naturally to their interactions with other animals, including cats.

Basset Hound


Basset Hounds are typically wonderful with children and other pets, making them an excellent addition to a family. When bonding a Basset Hound to a cat, expect a period of adjustment for both animals. It’s important to give each pet their own space as needed and supervise their interactions. With patience and careful management, you’ll soon be on your way to a harmonious household.



Boxers are intelligent and highly trainable dogs. If trained consistently and rewarded positively, they can coexist peacefully with cats and respect their space and boundaries.

Shetland Sheepdog


Shelties have moderate energy levels. While they do require regular exercise and mental stimulation, they are not typically hyperactive. This can be conducive to living peacefully with cats, as they are less likely to engage in overly boisterous or rough play that might disturb a cat.

Border Collie


Naturally alert and attentive, Border Collies quickly pick up on cues from their environment, including how to interact with cats. Such attentiveness can help them learn appropriate behaviors around cats with consistent training and reinforcement.



Papillons tend to be quite social and enjoy the company of both humans and other animals. Their warm nature makes them more likely to approach cats in a non-threatening manner, which can help foster positive relationships between the two.

Australian Shepherd


Surveys show that Australian Shepherds generally get along well with cats, and even those that aren’t immediately friendly will usually tolerate them. These kind-hearted dogs are known for being a bit bossy yet gentle. They love to socialize and might even try to herd the cats they live with as long as they’re familiar with them.



Maltese pups are known to be pretty chill and friendly, and they’ve got a docile personality that meshes well with cats. Plus, they’re not too high-strung or territorial, so they’re less likely to get all huffy with the housecat.


DanDee Shots/Wikipedia

Newfoundland dogs can live peacefully with cats, but it depends on their personalities, early socialization, and how they’re introduced. Gradually introducing them, understanding the cat’s behavior, and implementing tips for cohabitation are crucial. Patience and a proactive approach will help you cultivate a loving bond between you and your pets.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Kerstin othello/Wikipedia

First off, Bernese Mountain Dogs are extremely relaxed. They’re not the hyperactive type to chase anything that moves. Instead, they’re more like, “Hey, cat, you do your thing; I’ll do mine.” They’ve got a built-in respect for the cat’s independence.

Cocker Spaniel


Cocker Spaniels were originally hunting dogs trained to find birds, not animals like cats. Their easy going character makes them great companions for cats. Knowing that your kitty has a fellow bird enthusiast might just add another layer of comfort.

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