15 Dog Facts That Are Actually Not True

We all love to share quirky dog facts, but how many of them are actually true? It turns out, some of the most commonly believed “facts” about dogs are pure myths. Prepare to be surprised as we unveil 15 dog facts that are actually not true.
Dogs See in Black and White

For many years, people have been saying that dogs can only see in black and white. But the truth is, they can see in color, but not as many as humans can. They perceive the world similarly to a color-blind person but can distinguish between blue and yellow.
They Are 7 Years For Every Human Year

The one dog year is equal to 7 human years method was simply to demonstrate that dogs age much faster than humans. Not all dog breeds age the same way. For example, smaller dogs tend to live longer than bigger ones.
Dogs Eat Grass Because They’re Sick

Most pet owners believe that dogs eat grass because they’re sick or lack nutrients in their diet. However, studies show that dogs may eat grass for taste, especially when the grass grows during the spring or summer months when it’s fresh.
Showing Dominance By Being the Pack Leader

The idea of being the “pack leader” with your dog is based on outdated theories about dogs’ wolf ancestry and their social interactions. Pet owners with this mindset believe they must assume dominance by being the pack leader. Trying to be the pack leader can negatively impact your relationship with your dog.
Catching Colds from Dogs

Pet owners often worry about catching colds from their dogs, but there’s no need for concern. Canine illnesses, such as kennel cough, are not contagious to humans but are only highly infectious among other dogs.
Wagging Tails Means Your Dog Is Happy

When you imagine a happy dog, you might picture a puppy wagging its tail with excitement. However, tail wagging isn’t always an indication of happiness. Experts note that tail wags can vary in meaning, sometimes signaling heightened arousal or even severe distress.
You Can’t Train an Old Dog

Although it’s better to train a dog when it’s a puppy, it’s also possible to teach older dogs tricks. The difference is that it will take longer to train an older dog using commands or reinforcement training. You might need a lot of patience and understanding, but your dog will eventually learn.
Garlic is a Tick and Flea Remedy

It’s normal to want to try natural remedies to alleviate your dog’s discomfort, but some home remedies simply don’t work. For example, garlic isn’t an effective solution to control ticks or fleas. Instead, take your dog for a check-up and use veterinary prescriptions to remove fleas or ticks.
Bad Breath is Normal for Dogs

It’s common for dogs to chew on things like mud, garbage, or household items such as shoes. Many pet owners assume this is the reason for their dogs’ bad breath and believe it’s normal. However, this is a myth. Bad breath in dogs could mean gum disease or other health issues.
A Dry Nose Means Your Dog Is Ill

When your dog’s nose is dry, you may think that they’ve fallen ill. Luckily, a dry nose doesn’t always mean your dog is sick. Their noses can dry out when they sleep or even when they spend too much time in the sun. If your dog’s nose is dry, give them cold water to rehydrate.
Dogs Evolved From Gray Wolves

A common misconception is that dogs evolved directly from the gray wolf and share its behavioral traits. Although they may have some similarities, dogs are not descendants of this specific wolf species. Despite ongoing claims in many articles, this theory has been debunked.
Rubbing Your Dog’s Nose in Their Mess

It can be frustrating when your dog uses the toilet on your nice, clean carpet or hardwood floors. You may think that rubbing your pet’s nose in their mess will stop this behavior, but it only teaches your dog to fear you, which can also lead to anxiety issues.
Loving Your Dog More Will Prevent Bad Behavior

Showing your dog love and affection is a great way to build a solid and healthy bond with your pet. On the other hand, this won’t always prevent bad behavior. In some cases, coddling your dog can cause them to become too needy. You must set clear boundaries and reprimand bad behavior.
Yawning Means Your Dog is Always Tired

Yawning is a natural indicator of fatigue, and this is true for dogs as well. However, yawning doesn’t always indicate tiredness. It can also signal stress, fear, boredom, or frustration in your dog.
You Don’t Need to Groom Short-Haired Dogs

While short-haired dogs don’t need to be groomed as often as shaggier canines, they must still be brushed and washed to keep their coats healthy. You don’t need to cut the hair, but regularly brushing your dog can remove loose fur and prevent dirt buildup and skin problems.