10 Nifty Tricks To Teach Your Dog

Ivan Babydov/Pexels

Teaching your pup new tricks is not just about impressing your buddies at the dog park. It’s a fantastic way to bond with your furry companion, keep their minds sharp, and ensure they remain well-behaved in various situations. With patience and these ten awesome tricks, you can transform your furry friend from a cuddle monster into a canine genius. So, grab your treats, unleash your inner trainer, and prepare to impress the neighborhood with your pup’s newfound talents.


Eduardo López/Pexels

It’s a bit tricky to know what our dogs want, but here’s a simple solution. Teach them to touch your hand with their nose for anything they desire, from belly rubs to playtime. Hold a treat near your hand and say “touch” as they boop it. Once they get the gist, proceed to praise them.

“Pick Up”

Zen Chung/Pexels

Saying goodbye to rogue socks and runaway toys is easy with the “pick up” trick. Carry an object in your hand, say “pick up,” and guide their paw towards it. Remember to recognize their efforts after.

“Leave It”

Zen Chung/Pexels

Encountering distracting squirrels or other animals on walks can be a nightmare. Instruct your dog to ignore them by placing a treat on the ground, holding your palm out, and telling them to “leave it.” Eventually, they’ll realize you mean business when you say these magic words.

“Play Dead”

Valeria Boltneva/Pexels

Want to win the best acting duo at the dog park? Let your dog practice “playing dead.” Lure them to roll with a treat, then mark the action with the cue “play dead” and a reward. Gradually fade the lure and add a hand signal. For extra flair, practice starting from a standing position. This ploy is an oldie but goodie that’ll surely excite any crowd.



Here’s another trick that provides physical and mental stimulation. Set up two rows of evenly spaced cones or posts. Hold a treat and walk between them, saying “weave” as your dog follows close behind you. Once your four-legged friend gets enough practice, you can also do this using your legs.


Blue Bird/Pexels

Get ready for some dizzying displays of affection! Again, prepare a treat by your dog’s snout and slowly rotate it in a circle, saying “spin” as they follow it. Don’t do it too much, though, since our four-legged buddies can get dizzy, too.

“Find It”

Samson Katt/Pexels

Keep your canine mentally stimulated with a quick game of hide and seek. Conceal a treat somewhere in the room and say, “Find it!” After a while, they’ll sniff it out, and you can now celebrate their detective skills with a “You found it!” and a yummy piece of kibble.

“Put Away”

Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

Teaching your dog to clear its toys is like having a furry little helper. Offer a basket and a toy and say, “Put away,” as you direct the dog’s paw to drop the toy inside. Make sure to applaud their helpfulness with a “good put away.”


Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

Mastering “stay” is a game-changer for any dog owner. Deliberately position a treat before your dog’s sniffer, then gradually retract your arm while saying, “Stay.” Tell them they did a “good stay” and cap it off with some treats if they remain seated.

“Bring It”


Take fetch to the next level with this easy move. Throw a toy, and as your mutt retrieves it, say, “Bring it,” and extend your palm. If they let go of the toy, acknowledge them with a “good bring it.” This maneuver is perfect for practicing “leave it” as well!

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