14 Redditors Reveal Their Most Amusing Canine Quirks

Ирина Мещерякова/Getty

For many pet owners, dogs are more than just companions; they occupy a significant place in their hearts and minds, and their antics and adorable quirks often interrupt their thoughts. So, when you throw a dash of controversy into the mix, things can get interesting! Recently, Redditors shared their most lightheartedly controversial opinions about their canine companions, and the results are nothing short of hilarious, entertaining, and thought-provoking.

Bathing Frequency

Goochie Poochie Grooming/Pexels

One Redditor argued that people are way too uptight about dogs’ bathing frequency. They humorously stated, “Folks act like washing your dog is gonna strip all their natural oils and give them allergies. Dog shampoo is purposely very mild, and you could be washing your dog more often than you do!”

Dog Socialization


Some Redditors believe that dogs should be socialized with as many other dogs as possible, while others argue for a more cautious approach. This leads to amusing anecdotes about dogs who are total social butterflies versus those who prefer to keep their circle small.

Costumes And Outfits

Sam Lion/Pexels

Some users agree that dressing up your dog is fun, “not only functional clothing but also silly costumes. It’s even a fun bonding experience for some!” This opinion challenges the notion that dressing up dogs is frivolous or unnecessary and instead frames it as a way to create shared joy and memories with our furry friends.

Dog Etiquette In Public Places


Many Redditors share their thoughts on the importance of keeping dogs on leashes, especially in crowded areas. This led to humorous stories about unexpected encounters with off-leash dogs and the chaos that can ensue, to remind dog owners that not all dogs share the same friendly disposition.

Flexible Routines


Some Redditors believe dogs don’t need fixed daily routines beyond necessities. One user commented, “Dogs do not need fixed daily routines beyond reasonably predictable meals and potty trips.” This opinion suggests that a more relaxed schedule can be beneficial for dogs.

Pizza Crusts For Dogs

Chris Amaral/Getty

Speaking of food, one Redditor shared a hilarious take on sharing pizza crusts with their dog. They quipped, “My dog likes pizza crust. My son doesn’t. The two of them are a great combo.” This opinion addresses the humorous dynamics between pets and their human families in snack-sharing scenarios.

Reunion Excitement

Lauren Whitaker/Pexels

While sharing details about their pets’ reactions after getting reunited after some absence, one Redditor shared the funniest thing their dog has ever done, saying, “The funniest thing my dog has ever done is he started to pee out of excitement because we hadn’t seen each other for 3 days.”

Humorous Twist

Anastasiya Lobanovskaya/Pexels

In a surprising and humorous twist, several Redditors confess that their dog’s paws have a pleasant aroma. One user even goes as far as to say, “Alright, that one can be weird. Dog’s paws smell great! And that spot behind and/or between ears as well.” 

Framed Tale

Sarah Chai /Pexels

Redditors share the most hilarious things someone has said about their dog in a separate thread. One user recounts a joke about an American dad who frames a story about his dog to get sympathy. The punchline is that people tend to care more about dogs than humans in certain situations.

Lighthearted Threads


Another thread revealed the humorous side of dog ownership, with users sharing the lighter side of life with dogs. Users share snapshots of their pups lounging on the couch with a look that screams, “I own this place,” or sitting with an expression that perfectly captures the essence of sass.

Funny Captions

Samson Katt/Pexels

One user posts a picture of their bulldog, who appears deep in thought, with the caption: “When you realize you’ve been barking at the mailman for years, and he still doesn’t get the hint.” Another shared how they tell their dogs they are brave whenever they bark at delivery drivers.

Goofing Sentiment


Another user shares a video of their golden retriever attempting to leap onto the couch but misjudging the distance and landing directly in a pile of laundry. The caption reads, “When you’re just trying to be a good boy but end up being a laundry monster.”

Hot Dog Humor

Samson Katt/Pexels

A Redditor humorously remarks that whenever their dog sighs, they say, “I know, your life is SO hard,” while the dog is comfortably curled up on the bed. Another jokingly asks their dog, “Are you a hot dog? Do you need some ketchup and mustard?” while turning on the fan. 

My Dog Is The Best

Ivan Babydov/Pexels

The most universally agreed-upon opinion emerging from this thread was that every dog is the best dog. One user stated, “My doggy is the best doggy. (Your doggy can also be the best as long as we all agree.)” This playful sentiment fosters a sense of camaraderie among dog owners.

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