15 Tough-Looking Dogs That Are Surprisingly Affectionate

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Appearances can be deceiving, especially in the dog world. Some breeds have a reputation for being fierce, but in reality, they’re as cuddly as can be. Don’t judge a dog by its looks—these 15 tough-looking breeds are surprisingly affectionate.


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It’s hard not to feel some fear when you encounter this muscular breed with a broad head and strong jaw. Beneath these features lies a devoted and intelligent pet that does well around children and other pets. Rottweilers are highly trainable and hardly bark without a good reason.

Doberman Pinscher


If Doberman Pinschers’ sleek and powerful bodies don’t scare you, their always-alert expressions may. But do you know that these dogs are people-oriented? Their owners enjoy loyalty from them, and they are great with children, especially if raised with them. 

German Shepherd


German shepherds have a strong and agile frame that can make one think twice about coming close to them, and they’re even scarier when in action as service dogs. These dogs, however, are quick to learn, thanks to their intelligence, and are happy when they have a task to perform.



Don’t let the Bullmastiff’s massive size and powerful build make you think they aren’t lovely to have as pets. They are very trainable dogs, and you’ll enjoy some quiet as they hardly bark for no reason. The breed is very vigilant and protective of their owner and their properties.

Great Dane


The size of Great Danes is all they need to send shivers down your spine. This breed towers above most dogs on all fours and, when standing on only the hind legs, can be taller than most humans. However, they are easy-going, highly affectionate, and very vigilant.

Cane Corso


Cane Corsos have a large and muscular build. They have a powerful presence that helps ward off intruders. There are many reasons to love them, including intense loyalty, intelligence, and versatility. In addition, this breed tends to be affectionate with families.

American Pit Bull Terrier


Because they were raised as fighting dogs, people may be cautious when they see American Pit Bull Terriers. Their strong build doesn’t do much to help this reputation. People love them, regardless, because they can adapt to different environments and are friendly.


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Boxers combine a muscular body with a square head and look even more threatening when they take a sturdy stance. This breed is typically playful and easy to train, though. Because of their protectiveness and patience, you may love them even more if you have children. 



Among the physical traits of Akitas is a sturdy build. The bright-colored ones may not scare one much, but the darker ones intimidate people better. Akitas may not be best friends with other animals, but they love human companionship, and you will enjoy their company as an owner.

Alaskan Malamute

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Owners of Alaskan Malamutes have gotten used to the question, “Is that a wolf?” Not only are these dogs wolflike, but they are large. This scariness about them makes them good watchdogs. Training them will be easy because they are eager to please you.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier


The Staffy may be small or medium, but their build is muscular with strong jaws. Watch them taking a firm stance, and you may find it hard to believe this dog is good with children. They may not be as great with other dogs, but they are playful and quite welcoming to unfamiliar faces.

Presa Canario


Their large body is one intimidating aspect. The squarish, giant head is another, and the darker-colored ones might give some people shivers. Owning one will mean dedicating time to grooming and exercising, but they repay you in protection and loyalty. 

Bull Terrier


Bull Terriers combine an interesting egg-shaped head with a muscular body. The full round frame of the body and the curvature of the head from the skull to the nose create an interesting sight. Families that have this dog may enjoy affection, however. Bulls play a lot, too.



The Shar-pei’s build isn’t the most scary aspect; it’s the excessive wrinkles. These dogs are independent and intelligent, though. They love the company of their families, and while they are normally calm, they can get vigorous when they encounter a perceived threat.

Neapolitan Mastiff

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Another breed that brings wrinkles to the fear table is the Neapolitan Mastiff. The large size and particularly wrinkled head are their fright superpowers. These dogs are not very playful but take their guard job seriously and won’t disturb you with too much unnecessary barking.

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