20 Health Problems In Dogs That Could Be Linked To Allergies

Watching your dog struggle with discomfort can be heartbreaking. Their once energetic and playful nature might fade, and you’ll be left searching for answers. If you’ve noticed changes in their behavior or health, food allergies, along with environmental or seasonal allergies, might be to blame. Read on to understand the signs that might help you get your dog back to their happy self.
Itchy Skin Or Excessive Scratching

When your dog constantly scratches or licks, it’s often due to food or other allergies. These irritations occur as the immune system reacts to specific ingredients like proteins or grains. Chronic scratching can lead to skin infections if left untreated. Watch for redness or scabs—signs that the allergy is worsening.
Vomiting Or Diarrhea

Consistency is vital when tracking your dog’s digestive symptoms. When frequent upset follows every meal, it may be time to look for a food-related cause. Symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea are typical signs of a food allergy. They indicate that certain ingredients don’t agree with your dog’s system.
Frequent Ear Shaking

Ear shaking is another potential sign of food allergies affecting your dog. Once allergens cause discomfort in the ears, your dog may shake its head or paw at its ears to relieve irritation. If ear shaking becomes frequent, it’s likely time for a vet consultation to rule out food-related issues.
Swollen Ears Or Ear Infections

Inflammation in the ear canal is a typical response to food allergens and makes your dog uncomfortable. Once irritation sets in, head shaking or pawing at the ears is common, which leads to swelling. Regular monitoring of your dog’s diet and switching to allergen-free options can reduce these episodes.
Watery Eyes Or Eye Discharge

Excessive tearing or eye discharge can signal an allergic reaction to food or the environment. Your dog’s immune system identifies certain proteins as harmful and triggers irritation in the eyes. This can cause watery eyes or a yellowish discharge. Eye discharge may vary in color, sometimes appearing greenish, depending on the severity of the allergy.
Hair Loss Or Bald Patches

Food allergies can lead to hair loss, typically in areas where your dog has been scratching or licking excessively. If you notice bald patches, especially around the paws or ears, it could be a result of skin irritation caused by allergens. Repeated scratching can damage the hair follicles and result in shedding.
Excessive Paw Licking

Is your dog licking its paws constantly? It might be a sign of a food allergy. This behavior is sometimes linked to itchy, irritated skin caused by allergens in the diet. Prolonged paw licking can cause infection if the skin becomes raw. A change in diet might help resolve the irritation.
Chronic Sneezing Or Nasal Discharge

Sneezing and nasal discharge aren’t always related to colds. For dogs with food allergies, these symptoms can appear as part of an overall allergic response. So, these may occur alongside itching or gastrointestinal upset. The nasal passages react to food particles or proteins that trigger the immune system.
Poor Coat Condition

Not having essential nutrients, particularly fatty acids, can cause a dull or dry coat in dogs with food allergies. The skin’s response to allergens can interfere with healthy fur growth. You may notice that your dog’s fur appears rough or has a lackluster texture, typical of such allergic reactions.
Persistent Coughing Or Wheezing

When food allergies affect your dog, the immune system may cause inflammation in the respiratory system. Coughing or wheezing can occur as a result of this irritation and make it harder for your dog to breathe freely. Such signs may be accompanied by other allergic responses like an upset tummy.
Swollen Lips Or Mouth Inflammation

Keep an eye out for excessive drooling or difficulty eating. Food allergies can cause noticeable swelling in and around your dog’s mouth. This often occurs when certain ingredients, such as beef or dairy, trigger an immune response. You might notice redness or puffiness once your dog tries to eat.
Loss Of Appetite

Reluctance to eat can sometimes stem from discomfort caused by digestive issues. If your dog is avoiding meals, it may be a sign that certain ingredients are causing irritation. Such behaviors can occur as a response to food allergies, where the body reacts negatively to specific proteins or additives.
Lethargy Or Decreased Energy

If your dog seems unusually tired or disinterested in playing, it could be due to allergies affecting their immune system through secondary complications. Lethargy is the result of the body’s response to irritants. Over time, this exhaustion might influence your dog’s regular routines, making them less active or engaged.
Skin Redness Or Hot Spots

Red, inflamed areas of the skin, known as hot spots, are sometimes caused by food allergies. The patches are itchy and painful for your dog, leading to constant scratching or biting. Hot spots are frequently found in areas that are prone to moisture or friction, such as the paws, hips, ears, or neck.
Abnormal Stool Consistency

Is your dog experiencing loose stools, constipation, or mucus in the stool? Your dog’s system might not agree with certain nutrients in the food, which results in discomfort and abnormal bowel movements. The symptoms often occur after meals. So it is easier to identify potential triggers in their diet.
Increased Gas Or Foul-Smelling Flatulence

If your dog is passing excessive, foul-smelling gas, it might be due to food intolerance. Certain ingredients, like beans or grains, can trigger digestive upset in allergic dogs. To reduce discomfort, consider eliminating these ingredients from their food and opting for a more suitable diet.
Hives Or Skin Rashes

Food allergies can cause hives or rashes, which appear as raised, red bumps on your dog’s skin. These itchy bumps can develop anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on the face, belly, or paws. In some cases, the rash may be accompanied by swelling around the eyes and muzzle.
Unexplained Weight Loss

Food allergies can directly impact your dog’s ability to absorb nutrients. Digestive issues caused by these allergies might affect your dog’s overall health and result in reduced energy or appetite. Weight loss inevitably follows as the body struggles to retain the nutrients needed for normal functioning.
Increased Thirst Or Urination

Is your dog drinking more water than usual or having accidents more frequently? Food allergies can sometimes affect hydration levels and kidney function due to gastrointestinal distress. The changes in urination patterns might also be linked to the body’s struggle with food irritants. Being on the look-out becomes very important here.
Behavioral Changes Or Agitation

If your dog is more irritable or anxious than usual, food allergies might be to blame. The constant discomfort from allergies can cause frustration and other behavior changes. If you notice a sudden shift in your dog’s demeanor alongside other allergy signs, consider testing for food sensitivities and switching to a more suitable diet.