How To Motivate Your Dog With Positive Reinforcement

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In nearly every home of pet owners, there are times of frustration when humans lose their cool and resort to disciplining their pets. If, as a pet owner, you are punishing pets for misbehaving, you should reconsider that strategy. Expert opinions have shown that positive reinforcement—rewarding good behavior rather than penalizing the bad—is far more effective and humane when dealing with pets. 

Why Choose Positivity After Bad Behavior? 

Zen Chung/Pexels

It can be tough to suppress the urge to punish your dog severely when you find it nosing through a trash can or chewing on the couch. In such a situation, punishing your dog can cause them fear and anxiety. Instead, reacting positively builds trust and strengthens the bond you share with your dog. Embracing this positive approach will encourage a lasting behavior change. 

Manage The Environment To Prevent Bad Behavior 

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It’s easy to blame your pets for shredding your slippers overnight, but imagine if you didn’t leave them lying around, then there’ll be no slippers for them to tear apart. If your trash can is well covered, chances are your dog won’t go nosing through it. So, ensure your home environment does not trigger your dog to misbehave.

Reward Good Behavior

Samson Katt/Pexels

If your dog misbehaves, learn to use positive reinforcement to correct them. The art of positive reinforcement involves rewarding good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior. And by doing this, you will make them happy and willing to repeat such good behavior over time. For example, if your dog sits on command, make sure you praise and treat them nicely.

Establish Clear Communication With Your Dog 

Los Muertos Crew/Pexels

Like Chad Mackin once said—if you want the dog to stop fighting the leash, stop using the leash to fight the dog. Using consistent markers or words to communicate properly with your dog can help get your dog to obey you when you need them to do something. It could be as simple as saying “Good” or “Yes” to your dog anytime they do the right thing. 

Find The Right Motivators For Your Dog

Skyler Ewing/Pexels

Motivating your dog with positivity is easier said than done. However, even the most stubborn dogs will listen if you choose the right motivators. Try experimenting with different rewards to find out what your dog loves most, whether it’s treats, praise, or toys. Once you have your answer, use that as the main motivator for good behavior.

Practice Positive Reinforcement Using Basic Commands

Blue Bird/Pexels

Commands like—Sit, Stay, Come—are great for practicing positive reinforcement. For example, show your dog a treat and ask them to sit, and if they sit after your instruction, praise them and give them the treat. You can call their name and ask them to come, and when they do, reward them with a treat. When you do this consistently, you’ll succeed at training your dog to obey your instructions over time. 

Train Your Dog To Perform Complex Behaviors 

Blue Bird/Pexels

Understanding your dog and knowing how to control them can improve their potential for good behavior. An excellent way to do this is by training them to execute complex tasks. A good example is teaching them to fetch a ball; gradually reward them for running towards the ball, picking it up, and eventually bringing it to you. It is essential to keep in mind that it will take time, so be patient. 

Learn To Tame Unwanted Behaviors

Blue Bird/Pexels

Dogs can be easily tamed if you put your mind to it. If your dog loves to bark for attention, you can choose to ignore them, and when they eventually stop, you should reward them for staying quiet. When your dog misbehaves, you should redirect their energy elsewhere. The key takeaway is to reward them for obeying. 

Always Reinforce Good Behavior 

Blue Bird/Pexels

The best way to get your dog to do the right thing at all times is to reward good behavior daily. Many dog owners don’t like it when dogs pull on their leash, so if your pup walks patiently next to you while on leash, you should reward them. Praise them for sitting calmly when they see visitors instead of jumping at them. 

Be Patient With Your Dog

Samson Katt/Pexels

You don’t have to react to every misbehavior. Sometimes, just overlook their excesses and have hope that they’ll improve. Dogs learn at a different pace, so no matter the breed you own, you should learn to stay positive and patient with them. Eventually, you will see improvements in their behavior. 

Avoid Frustrating Your Dog With Rigorous Training 

Blue Bird/Pexels

If you notice your dog is dispirited during a training session, take a break and get back to it later. As much as you want to instill discipline, pets should be handled with care. Frustrating them with relentless exercise can lead them to misbehave. Keep the sessions light and fun-filled to maintain their enthusiasm. 

Teach Your Dog To Socialize 


You should gradually introduce your dog to people around you, such as neighbors and family members. This will help them socialize with them when you’re not around; also, get your dog to visit new places so they learn how to adapt to a new environment. Then, reward them for acting well in such situations. 

Learn To Meet Your Dog Needs

Yaroslav Shuraev/Pexels

There’s a high chance of pets misbehaving when they lack basic needs—dogs are no different. Often, dogs misbehave when their needs are not met. So, always feed them at the right time and keep them warm in cold weather. A good way to correct wrong behavior is to address issues that could lead to such misbehavior. When you meet your pets needs, they are less likely to misbehave. 

Keep This Professional Advice In Mind 

Zen Chung/Pexels

According to Professional Dog Trainer Melissa McCue-McGrath, dogs will generally improve in behavior if you follow the “Four D’s” approach. That is Distance, Duration, Distraction, and Difficulty. When training dogs, stay close, keep the duration short, eliminate distractions, and don’t make it difficult. It’s a tested and trusted approach to positively reinforce good behavior in your dog. 

Motivating Your Dog Is a Lifestyle Change

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Once you stop punishing your dog for misbehaving, you agree to a lifestyle change that positively motivates them. So, you must stay consistent with this approach. It can only improve the bond you share with your dog, and as time passes, your dog will improve, and everyone will be happy.

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