Top 15 Dog Breeds with Adorably Low IQs

While intelligence varies across dog breeds, some dogs are known more for their lovable but less-than-brilliant behavior. These breeds may take longer to learn commands or follow instructions. However, their unique personalities and endearing qualities make them beloved companions. This list will explore 15 dog breeds that rank lower on the intelligence scale.
Afghan Hound

Those who adore Afghan Hounds would undoubtedly disagree on these dogs being one of the “least intelligent” dog breeds. Afghan Hounds have an independent nature that can make training a challenge. Often, they prefer to follow their instincts rather than commands. To train an Afghan may require more creativity, but they are exceptional companions because of their grace, regal demeanor, and love for their humans.

Known as the “barkless dog,” the Basenji is a breed with ancient roots. Instead of barking, Basenjis communicate with unique sounds, adding to their charm. These dogs are energetic and require exercise to stay happy. When a Basenji is left alone for extended periods, it may display destructive behavior, including chewing on furniture. A Basenji owner must be patient because this breed is not obedient and may need extensive obedience training.

Because they are courageous and affectionate, bulldogs will defend those around them. However, they are sometimes a little ignorant and lazy. The English Bulldog can be pretty stubborn, which can make it slower to grasp new commands and learn fresh tricks. Training a Bulldog requires consistency and positive reinforcement, as they can be slow to respond. Bulldogs enjoy a relaxed lifestyle, often preferring a cozy nap over vigorous activity.
Chow Chow

Chow Chows are known for their independence and are frequently employed as guard dogs due to their cautious nature. Their strong will and stubbornness make them a more challenging breed to train. Chows need intensive socialization beginning at a young age and strict but positive training. Gaining their trust and obedience will make them desire to please you, which will simplify the training process.

Elegant and graceful, Borzois are sighthounds bred for hunting. Because they are so attentive to personal hygiene, they can be perceived as dumb due to the amount of time they dedicate to grooming. These dogs are affectionate with their family members but can be aloof with strangers.
Basset Hound

Basset Hounds, with their floppy ears, are hard to resist. These dogs are known to be a little lazy at times. This may be partly due to their lengthy, elongated bodies or relaxed personalities. They follow scents with single-minded determination, sometimes ignoring commands entirely. Nonetheless, their gentle and friendly nature makes them wonderful companions.

One possible explanation for why some people perceive Pekingese as sluggish is their sloth-like nature. They love to relax and take in their surroundings while enjoying the comfort of their own home. These dogs tend to think for themselves and prefer doing things their way. While many dog breeds originated as working dogs before becoming companions, the Pekingese was deliberately bred to be the ultimate lap dog.

Like Bloodhounds, Beagles enjoy following their noses, occasionally leading to mischief. They require a lot of physical stimulation to keep them engaged. Their stubbornness can sometimes be mistaken for a lack of intelligence. Even though they tend to be a bit stubborn, this trait can be easily managed by offering them treats, as they are usually highly motivated by food.

Its mere size is often sufficient to deter troublemakers in their tracks. But the Mastiff is just as amiable and devoted to its family as any other dog. Mastiffs also tend to lose focus quickly. Therefore, it’s essential to keep training sessions short and engaging to teach them something new successfully.
Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus have adorable faces, making them a favorite among small dog lovers. They are sociable and stubborn, making this breed highly sought-after as pets. Their stubbornness poses a challenge when it comes to training, and many owners face additional complications due to their playful attitude.
Lhasa Apso

These adorable dogs are the closest you can get to experiencing a real-life Ewok. This breed is playful and tends to be more interested in having fun than obeying human commands. These puppies are full of energy and have incredible fearlessness and spirit. Their owners are their utmost devotion.

Pugs have wrinkly faces and are incredibly charming. Their playful nature can sometimes overshadow their lack of intelligence. Training a Pug requires a lot of patience, as they are known to be quite stubborn. They often get distracted easily, making it hard to focus on commands. Yet, their loving demeanor makes them a favorite among dog lovers.

The Bloodhound is a highly independent breed focused solely on sniffing and tracking scents. They are difficult to train since smells easily entice them to explore. Fortunately, puppy training and obedience classes can help shape them into well-behaved dogs.
Bull Terrier

This breed of terrier lives up to the reputation of being dumb. You should have some respectable training results if you are loving and attentive to your Bull Terrier, and make sure to incorporate fun into your training routine. Though it will take some time and effort to guarantee they learn, they eventually learn.
Great Pyrenees

There is no doubt that Great Pyrenees dogs are known for their majestic appearance. These dogs were bred to think for themselves, which can make them seem less intelligent. They require consistent training to learn commands.