15 Massive Pups That Think They’re Lap Dogs

Aleksandr Zotov/Getty

Have you ever seen a dog so big it makes you do a double-take? We’re talking about fully grown large breeds who think they’re still tiny pups. These lovable lugs often forget their size, trying to squeeze into laps or hide under coffee tables. It’s hilarious and heartwarming all at once. Let’s check out some of these oversized furballs!

St. Bernard


With their barrel chests and wrinkled faces, St. Bernards look like they walked straight out of a snowy wonderland. Like a giant teddy bear unaware of its irresistible snuggle potential, they lumber around, displaying a droopy and endearing jowl flap smile. Families delight in hanging out with these hairy goofballs!

Great Dane


Hailed as the Apollo Creed of the dog world, Great Danes are all lean muscle and elegance. They strut armed with an air of noble importance, unmindful of the world, wearing silly grins. A Great Dane’s penchant for knocking things over with wagging tails might be the perfect answer if you want a daily dose of canine comedy gold.

Cane Corso


One glance at a Cane Corso would make any person flinch at their appearance. These intelligent dogs were historically used in farming, specifically for herding livestock and protecting the homestead. Well, don’t be fooled by its looks since this loyal doggie is a cuddle monster who’s happiest when showering you with slobbery kisses.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Denys Rzhanov/Getty

The Dogue de Bordeaux comes off as a scary breed, yet that’s far from reality. Apart from loud snores resembling a freight train, a Dogue’s soulful eyes will melt your heart faster than butter on a hot day. Fun fact: This ancient French breed once guarded vineyards and hunted boars. Now, they’re expert couch potatoes!

Great Pyrenees


If there’s a word that aptly describes the Great Pyrenees, it would be a snuggly and fluffy snowball. Their serene personalities make them one of the best breeds, regardless of their humongous size. The best part about their playful side is that they turn a simple belly into a giggling episode. You’ll love it!

Irish Wolfhound


The Irish Wolfhound has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. The ancient nobles loved them, especially since they had a knack for hunting wild animals. Despite their fierce look and noble warrior past, don’t expect them to guard your house—they’re too friendly for that. Let them play with kids instead, and you’ll instantly see a zany pup emerge, all 180 pounds of it!

Tibetan Mastiff


Bred to guard against Himalayan yetis (or so the legend goes), Tibetan Mastiffs are undeniably impressive canines. Sporting a substantial lion-like mane, they resemble royalty in the animal kingdom. However, beneath the serious exterior lies a fun-loving spirit ready to pounce on you once you get home. 

Newfoundland Dog


Newfoundlands are docile beings with an undeniable love for water— taps, lakes, and oceans. These “nanny dogs” make the ideal babysitters, which is interesting since Newfoundlands often act like babies themselves! They love belly rubs, and your lap is their favorite spot. With such a friendly nature, who are we to complain?

Kunming Dog

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Those who have a fondness for unique breeds would want a Chinese Kunming. As former military dogs in China, Kunmings are brilliant and versatile pups. Their keen, sharp expressions might give off a somewhat intimidating vibe to those unfamiliar, but it quickly vanishes once you get to know their spirited character!

Black Russian Terrier


Though their name and size may evoke fear, Black Russian Terriers are a devoted breed. They have a reputation for being kind and protective of the kids in the household. Regardless, thanks to their endearing temperament, we’re sure Black Russian Terriers will end up as the baby in the family.

Landseer Dog


A tiny Landseer puppy can undergo a remarkable transformation in just a month. This rapid growth might initially give prospective owners a reason not to bring one home, but once they bloom into the Landseer’s distinctive, striking appearance combined with its serene and gentle nature, it will have you sold.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog


Here’s another Herculean dog that’s not for the faint of heart. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are fearsome guards who are coated in thick fur and have a bear-like build. If you desire a buff pup with a solemn and stoic appearance that will offer you its unwavering loyalty, this is it.

Alaskan Malamute


It’s not every day we see an Alaskan Malamute walking down the street, but it’s always a happy occasion whenever you spot one. Malamutes clumsily waddle around, unconcerned about its gargantuan physique. Even with their imposing size, they’re known to be sweethearts, eager to be part of the family with a surprisingly sociable streak.

Spanish Mastiff


Those who reside in smaller houses are better off leaving this Spanish Mastiff alone. It’s an absolute unit that might not be everyone’s cup of tea due to its sheer size. However, these folks would be missing out as Malamutes are secret comedians at heart. Their smile and tendency to escape for “adventures” are legendary!



Among one of the more uncommon dogs, Borzois are typically called the “Russian Greyhound.” Borzois are head-turners anywhere, and why wouldn’t they be? Its tiny face and tall legs make one ponder whether Borzois are characters straight out of a fairy tale. Have you read The Hundred and One Dalmatians novel? You’ll find them here.

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