10 Subtle Ways Dogs Express Stress


Dogs may not speak our language, but they have their own ways of showing when something’s not quite right. Plus, stress in dogs often shows up in subtle behaviors that can be easily missed if you’re not paying attention. So, let’s look at ten subtle signals that can make all the difference in keeping your dog happy and healthy.

Random Yawning

Isaac Taylor/Pexels

Notice your dog yawning during weird times, like at the park or when guests come over? They’re not bored – they’re stressed. It’s like when we humans get nervous and can’t stop fidgeting. Hence, watch for these out-of-nowhere yawns, especially in new situations.Can’t Sit Still

Can’t Sit Still

Blanco Studio/Pexels

A stressed dog often struggles to relax or stay in one spot. You might notice constant pacing or restless movements, even in familiar surroundings. This behavior stems from underlying anxiety they can’t release. This is when offering a quiet, safe space can help soothe their stress.

The Statue Look

Mia X/Pexels

Ever noticed your dog suddenly stop in their tracks, standing stiff and still? This “pause” helps them decide their next move—whether to relax or retreat. If you see this behavior, avoid rushing them or adding to their stress. Instead, stay calm, give them time to process, and figure out what’s led to this reaction.

Heavy Breathing

Elina Volkova/Pexels

If your dog’s panting like they just ran a 5K but have barely moved all day, it could be their way of showing stress. Panting in these moments is their version of stress-breathing. You might notice this during situations that make them uneasy, like vet visits or loud events.

Ears Doing the Talk

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

When your dog’s ears go flat against their head, they’re sending out an unmistakable SOS. This gesture is a clear, nonverbal cue that says, “I’m not comfortable right now.” You might also notice other stress signals alongside this, such as a stiff posture, wide eyes, or a tucked tail.

The Chatterbox Effect

Aditya Panwar/Pexels

Has your typically quiet pup turned into a chatterbox all of a sudden? For dogs that aren’t usually vocal, this behavior stands out as a clear signal of discomfort. So, take a moment to assess the situation—are they overwhelmed by noise or sensing something you can’t see?

The Look Away

Pew Nguyen/Pexels

Much like humans avoiding eye contact in awkward or stressful situations, dogs do the same when they’re feeling uncomfortable. You might notice this during scolding or in unfamiliar environments. Respect their need for space, and give them a moment to regain their confidence without pushing interaction.

The Disappearing Act

Photo By: Kaboompics.com/Pexels

When your dog hides under the bed, it’s a way to feel safe in a confined, secure spot. Pay attention to what might be triggering this reaction. While it’s natural to want to comfort them, avoid forcing them to come out of their hiding spot, as it could increase their stress.

Lick, Repeat, Repeat

Jayson Lorenzo/Pexels

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