15 Ways Dogs Show They Trust Their Owners


Dogs express their trust through various behaviors that indicate they feel safe and secure with you. If you recognize these signs, you can better appreciate your dog’s affection and strengthen your relationship. Here are 15 ways that are clear signs of this trust.

Wagging Tail


An incredibly loose and wagging tail in wide arcs is a universal sign of a happy, trusting dog. When dogs feel secure and content, their tail movements are relaxed and joyful. This non-verbal communication signifies that they are comfortable in your presence and enjoy being around you.

Relaxed Body Language

Kampus Production/Pexels

A dog with a soft, relaxed body posture shows that it is at ease and trusting. You’ll notice no stiffness or tension in its muscles. Its calm demeanor means it feels safe and confident with you.

Eye Contact

Alexandr Ivanov/Pixabay

Prolonged eye contact without signs of stress or anxiety indicates that your dog feels secure and trusts you. Dogs naturally avoid eye contact if they feel threatened, so it’s a sign of deep trust when they willingly gaze into your eyes. Your bond and mutual understanding will grow more robust thanks to this connection.

Leaning Against You

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

If your dog leans against you, it reflects a deep sense of comfort. This behavior means that your pet feels safe and seeks your physical closeness for comfort. It’s your pet’s way of parading that they rely on you for support and security.

Following You Around

Zen Chung/Pexels

Dogs that trust their owners often follow them from room to room. That is their way of telling you they want to be part of your activities and feel safe in your company. 

Sleeping Nearby

Meruyert Gonullu/Pexels

Choosing to sleep near you, especially in vulnerable positions like on their back, means they feel safe and trust you. Dogs expose their belly to mean defenselessness, indicating complete faith in you. They prefer to be close to their trusted humans even while resting.

Showing Their Belly

Valeria Boltneva/Pexels

Submission and trust are clear when a dog rolls over and exposes its belly. The vulnerable position reveals that it doesn’t feel threatened and is pleased around you. In addition, it acts as an invitation for you to give it belly rubs, which your dog associates with affection and bonding.

Handing You Toys

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

Bringing you their favorite toys is a way for dogs to display their trust in you and want to play with you. This gesture indicates they value your company and enjoy sharing their most prized possessions. It’s also a sign that they see you as a playmate and a source of joy.

Responding to Your Voice

Sam Lion/Pexels

Immediately after hearing you and responding positively, it’s clear your dog trusts you. The dog feels protected and trusts you as its leader. It recognizes your voice as a source of comfort and guidance.  

Eating in Your Presence

Zen Chung/Pexels

Food ingestion is a vulnerable activity for dogs, so their willingness to do so near you means they feel safe. Dogs that are okay eating around you trust you and don’t feel threatened in their environment. This shows that your dog sees you as not a resource competitor but a provider.

Happy Greeting

Samson Katt/Pexels

Excited and happy greetings when you come home are clear signals of your dog’s trust and affection. Your dog parades its enthusiasm through wagging tails, jumping, and sometimes vocalizations, expressing its joy at your return. 

Calm During Grooming

Goochie Poochie Grooming/Pexels

Low resistance in grooming them displays a high level of assurance. Grooming requires a lot of trust because it involves close physical contact and handling sensitive areas. In the event your dog remains calm, it feels safe and comfortable with you managing its care.

Playing Gently

Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels

Gentle play without signs of aggression signifies that your dog feels safe and trusts you. They understand your boundaries and respect them. Your pet’s playful interaction also strengthens your bond and reinforces positive behavior.

Listening to Commands

Yaroslav Shuraev/Pexels

Your dog’s obedience indicates a strong bond and mutual respect. A dog that listens to and obeys your commands reveals confidence in your leadership. They see you as a reliable guide and are willing to follow your directions. 

Snuggling Close

Helena Lopes/Pexels

Snuggles and cuddles close to you are a sign your dog enjoys and seeks warmth and security from you. The physical closeness clearly indicates its love and faith in you. It reflects that it feels protected and content in your presence, enjoying the comfort of being near you.

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